Healthy Hobbies for Hard Times: Journaling

I have always kept a journal since early childhood. Though it wasn’t always every day, I have dozens of journals in my library I have filled over the years with stories and life events, some of which are quite funny, some remind me of hard times I experienced, and some show historical events, like 9/11.

Journaling has always been a source of creativity, like coloring and gardening, which can provide therapeutic effects especially for those who love to write. Whether as a hobby or a life-long passion like scrapbooking, now more than ever, I recommend journaling. Why?

Journal Roundup on #Journal #AllAges #Hobbies #WritingLife #Writing #Mindfulness #Encouragement #HealthyLiving #KidLit #BookReviews #BookLove #JournalLove
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Faith and Football

Jesus spotted at Qdoba

This is a cool story I felt inspired to share.

A God Moment, another example of witnessing God at Work. Thank you to Grand Rapids Christian Schools, for teaching our children to be a light for Jesus. And kudos to this mom, who took the time to write this letter. I believe letter writing is a very effective tool, and we need to write about the good and the bad.

I don’t know about you, but I often think of random acts of kindness done by people, and I think to myself, I need to send them a note, but then time, life, and whatever excuses keep me from writing the note, until too much time has passed.

But remember, no matter how long its been, or how simple it seems, or how insignificant–you could be a light in a person’s day.

When you read the letter below, you will see the Holy Spirit at work.

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Juliette Turner, young-entrepreneur extraordinaire, thank you for being a light in my life.

It was hard, but a GREAT experience!

Juliette and I put in many late nights to get this done in time.


Perhaps one of the greatest blessings in the editing profession is you really get to know someone. Editing a person’s work is editing a part of that writer. When a writer shares a story, he or she is putting out a part of themselves for the world to see, and that’s scary.

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Pondering Murphy’s Law … Truth is Stranger than Fiction

Dear friends, family, followers, prayer partners, and everyone who wants a good laugh…I give you an update.

Some of you know about this, but I haven’t shared too much about it because:

1. I’m embarrassed.

2. I’m an idiot.  Continue reading

Today’s wisdom from Dr. Alice, “Practical Suggestions for Teaching Moments”

Breathe, Pray, Give: Dr. Alice’s Guide to the Universe

Okay, that’s my title for the bits of wisdom I have learned over the past ten years from my friend and counselor, Dr. Alice. She has guided and mentored me and many others in so many ways, that they can never be counted. She has helped me through many of the Murphy’s Law Moments in my life, as well as the normal chaos that comes with life, work, marriage, parenting four children, and all the unexpected (such as falling off a longboard–see previous post).

To me, she is one of the wisest, godliest, kindest women I have ever met, and I thank God for bringing her into my life. May her wisdom be spread. But as she would say, “It’s all from God.”

Today’s wisdom from Dr. Alice:

“Practical Suggestions for Teaching Moments”

Each of these ideas can enhance the life of you and your teen.

1. Keep your promises: Let your word be your honor! Keeping a promise that you made is one of the ways you demonstrate integrity and the value you place on your relationship with your teen.

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