Healthy Hobbies for Hard Times: Journaling

I have always kept a journal since early childhood. Though it wasn’t always every day, I have dozens of journals in my library I have filled over the years with stories and life events, some of which are quite funny, some remind me of hard times I experienced, and some show historical events, like 9/11.

Journaling has always been a source of creativity, like coloring and gardening, which can provide therapeutic effects especially for those who love to write. Whether as a hobby or a life-long passion like scrapbooking, now more than ever, I recommend journaling. Why?

Journal Roundup on #Journal #AllAges #Hobbies #WritingLife #Writing #Mindfulness #Encouragement #HealthyLiving #KidLit #BookReviews #BookLove #JournalLove
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The Cultivation & Care of Climbing Roses OR My Second Son Spreads his Roots


The Care and Cultivation of Climbing Roses


My Second Son Spreads His Roots


Kim Childress


Though I have the proverbial “green thumb,” a love for all things gardening, I’ve never been good at growing roses.

Rose growers know this flower is temperamental and highly reactive to its environment. Everything has to be just so—the soil acidity, the need for watering at specific times, the constant threat of a multitude of diseases, and the susceptibility of attack from all kinds of insects specific to roses, Over the years, every rose plant I planted, I’m sad to say, died.

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